Pre-Purchase Exams

pre-purchase-examAt Four Hooves we strongly recommend a Pre-Purchase Exam (PPE) be performed prior to the purchase of any horse.

flexion-checkIn general, the purpose of a PPE is to figure out if the horse you are looking at will be able to perform to your needs. A PPE is a comprehensive exam that includes a close look at all the horse’s individual systems. These include: Conformation, Oral, Ophthalmic (eyes), Auditory, Cranial Nerve, Musculoskeletal (including palpation and evaluation of the neck, back, muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments), Podiatry (hoof issues), Neurologic, Soundness, Flexion Tests, Movement, and Reproductive (if requested). Digital X-Rays and Digital Ultrasound are available for further evaluation of the musculoskeletal or reproductive systems. If requested, we can provide blood testing for drug screening or general health panels. We want to you to have a long and healthy relationship with the horse you intend to buy.


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Contact and Hours

34731 Matthews Road,
Eugene, OR 97403
See Map
Monday 8:00-5:00
Tuesday 8:00-5:00
Wednesday 8:00-5:00
Thursday 8:00-5:00
Friday 8:00-5:00
Saturday 8:00-1:00
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